Category Living

Friday, April 10

Kona, day 20

First sight of the day in the NYTimes:

Worldwide Toll of Confirmed Virus Deaths Nears 100,000

100000 deaths in just the past few months. 17 million people out of work in the U.S. in just the past few weeks. How will our worlds change after all of this? I don’t have faith in those in charge.

Today will be about getting some things sent home in the mail, and trying to get some more work done. Hopefully a walk around the neighborhood to just get in some movement…

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Thursday, April 9

Kona, day 19

Thursday, April 9

Kona, day 19

A few strong resources for both diversion — and — and reflection.  Found this last essay particularly helpful.

Today not terrifically productive , but did get a few things done.  A few notes written in the morning; and thoroughly enjoyed a lesson with a very bright and engaging perspective student. That hour of teaching helped me focus on why I continue to be in academia, and to let go of yesterday’s interaction with asinine colleagues. [I don’t understand why that word isn’t spelled assinine.]

Also got in a very quick trip to the grocery, and packed up some things to mail home to save checked-bag space/weight...

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Wednesday, April 8

Kona, day 18

Kona, day 18

Highlight of the day; connecting with Chris Nappi, knowing he’s well, and a good conversation about a musical collaboration.  We’ll find time to focus efforts on a piece I’d written for him, Anima/Animus.  Planning weekly video connections to work on it, develop changes if needed, edit, etc., in advance of the publisher putting it out in the world.  Thanks to a program/initiative by my publisher/ACA, we’ll also do a home recording and get him a bit of support to make up for the evaporation of so very many gigs.

This initiative (“The Shelter Recordings“) strives to provide opportunities for sheltered musicians to earn a little money, benefit composers, etc.  That same initiative will fund the recording of another piece, the short duet, On Balance,...

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Tuesday, April 7

Kona, day 17

Pattie feeling a bit better, wanting to do some work around the house, and to get out for a (masked) walk.  So the day was productive, including a nice drive around, a walk in the area near where we used to depart for scuba trips with Kona Honu divers…

and also a walk around the harbor downtown.  There, by the water’s edge, we say tons of fish and enjoyed identifying the few we’ve become familiar with through diving here.

But the most productive part of the day was concluding our ongoing discussion of how long to remain here in Kona.

Our isolation here, our feeling that, were we home, we could at least putting our house back together, be doing yard work at home, riding our bikes and even just feeling a part of our own community by just physically...

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Monday, April 6

Kona, day 16

A bit of website maintenance today, catching up on lots of correspondence (a pleasure to feel connections with folks), and some writing.

We’re both feeling that being here, as nice as it is, can’t go on much longer.  If we were home in NC we could at least keep occupied with re-settling into the house, doing lots of yard work, riding bikes (getting back on my m’cycle), perhaps get moved back into Surf City (though unsure about that just now).  Have begun looking into plans to return when this rental ends April 18, though not yet committed.  Only one flight/day from Honolulu to LAX or to SFO; and only one flight/day from SFO-Greenville with only one stopover.  So, limited choices, for sure.  Just a matter of deciding, committing, and making the reservations.  We’ll see...

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Sunday, April 5

Kona, day 15

Another no-sleeper; up since 1, shortly before Pattie finally fell asleep.  Schedules are certainly off.

Started taking a free online (Stanford) course in some computer music software I know and teach, but which I feel rusty on and could use some new exposure to.  Worked on that for a few hours, and found it a good, productive use of time.  I’ll continue that course over the coming week.

A long nap, thankfully, made me feel a bit more alive.  Pattie feeling a tad better today, which is good.  I think we were both a bit afraid…

And Pattie brought up the idea of heading back home on April 18th, rather than staying here longer.  Would be lengthy travel of four flights, layovers in three airports...

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Saturday, April 4

Kona, day 14

A moment from last night’s sunset in Kailua-Kona

A good, unusually long night’s sleep. So long since I’ve slept past 4am, and so very grateful for a full 8 hours.

We spoke yesterday of getting to the harbor to swim/snorkel, and hopefully we’ll do so.

Finally feeling convinced about one of the settings of Jim Brasfield’s Celan, from Jim’s “Infinite Altars

the whisper:

gradual breath

a word, bud
of stem form--

never before
this one,

the return of
the recognizable.   

Will send it off to Sharon, for whom i’ve written it, to see how she feels about it, but probably not before getting to another of that poem’s settings. Feeling as though the larger set will start with this newly written Celan, then

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Thurs-Fri, April 2-3

Kona, days 12-13

Bits of writing these days, mixed in with some walks, yoga, movies and, best of all, correspondence with friends.  Every family/friend that reports safe and sound feels like a victory or sorts. 

Still unable to stay away from daily briefings, but much better watching Cuomo rather than the national task force.  Haven’t heard the president’s voice in about four days, and that’s a huge relief and reduction in frustration.

The daily tolls—death tolls—are just devastating.  The reports from medical staff—just impossible to imagine what they’re dealing with every day, and what they’re somehow able to endure.  Super-human...

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Wednesday, April 1

Kona, day 11

Pattie found this video this morning, and it’s beauty, pacing (and technical accomplishment) has us in awe. It’s been out there for a few years now (2018), so perhaps not new to all readers, but surely worth another viewing.

If you’re interested in a few more minutes with a few tidbits about its making, then watch on…

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Tuesday, March 31

Kona, day 10

for sure, the highlight of the day was seeing this…

Jackson, on the move (thank you for this, Cristin!)

and, really, after that nothing else can make the day anything but full of wonder, love, and yearning to reach out.

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