Between the online play we watched Thursday night, and a walk with an education-prof friend today, I feel much less scared, and more excited about finding ways to engage students in new ways over the coming year.
In part, I think that my fear of not being able to use my own teaching tools–being present, attending to what’s being said both verbally and gesturally–is misplaced. Being present, attending to what’s being said both verbally and gesturally, is what i should be teaching, and that’s an interesting way of thinking about it, at least to me.
An interesting article, lengthy and worth reading. I sure hope his thesis–“The post-pandemic future will entail partnerships between the largest tech companies in the world and elite universities.” Such “partnerships will allow universities to expand enrollment dramatically by offering hybrid online-offline degrees, the affordability and value of which will seismically alter the landscape of higher education.” “Hundreds, if not thousands, of brick-and-mortar universities will go out of business and those that remain will have student bodies composed primarily of the children of the one percent.”–doesn’t become reality, but there is sense to this prediction.