Blog Archives

Sunday, January 17, 2021

So very grateful that classes begin Tuesday, that we had auditions yesterday. The need to ready things for more online teaching, for the semester ahead, is an effective deterrent to reading the news.

Because the news is just ever more horrid. Of course, hoping that the incoming administration is able to achieve its goals, which are astoundingly ambitious. Here’s hoping that Congress will work with him. So very bizarre, after the years’ past, to hear half of Congress making claims for the need for unity. It’s all just deeply disingenuous, so clearly all about trying to get back $ lost from the many corporations who’ve recently cut them off.

And one has to wonder about what took these companies so long to actually “stand.”

I found last night’s entry by Heather Richardson an ...

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Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Just a few days left–before classes begin next week; before the drastic slowdown of the last 5 years’ insane Trump-based headlines; until the start of a rebuild of rationality in the White House; until the beginning of some coordinated actions against the pandemic; and more, of course, in the broad world and in your life.

Today’s headlines [look anywhere, though my stop is] say it all. Trump talking about “totally appropriate” comments; McConnell and Cheney noting his actions as impeachable; more detailed reports emerging about the horrors of January 6; the participation of members of our military, law enforcement, even Capitol police, politicians, and the level of violence much worse than originally reported. Let alone the execution of someone who’s so completely incompe...

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Sunday, January 10, 2021

Not much of a Schwarzenneger fan, but this is worth seeing.

Here’s a telling page from today’s local paper. Our sycophant representative justifying his actions, followed by letters from the community. Note, in particular, the editors statement in italics at the bottom right–no letters of support were written on behalf of this traitor.

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Saturday, January 9, 2021

If you’ve not been reading this Prof’s “Letters from an American” newsletter, it’s quite good. I find it a refreshing source of not-too-heavily slanted presentation of a day’s events.


This morning’s video-call with Jackson…part of his morning routine involves making coffee with dad. During our call I was making coffee, so we did the obvious with our respective coffee filters–

Just wonderful to talk politics with Joe, and then get back to basics with Jackson.

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Thursday, January 7, 2021

What more can be said? So many brilliant minds and wonderful writers have said it all. We’ll look back on January 6, 2021 as a day of a failed Coup d’Etat in the U.S.A. Here is but one source among so very many.

Watching the news yesterday, non-stop from ~2pm through the evening, was among the most horrifying such sessions in memory. 9/11/01, the Challenger, and reaching back to the beginnings of my memories, assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr., and then Robert Kennedy.

So much about the day’s events stood out, not the least of which was watching thousands of white folk storming the Capitol, seemingly with little resistance–and told to go home. Is there anyone who doesn’t see the contrast with protests–PEACEFUL protests–that aren’t organized by the right, by white folk?

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Monday, January 4, 2021

For the life of me, I don’t understand how anyone continues to support the criminal-in-chief. What is the logic involved? And what will be the cost to our basic electoral system? I cannot help but assign all of the blame here to our weakening system of k-12 education, a system that hasn’t included, for many years now, educating students to the fundamentals of our governmental structure.

We are doomed, and continue to doom ourselves.


On a brighter side, yesterday we enjoyed a little riding lesson…Pattie really did well, and gained a bit of comfort. More sessions, for sure, and thankful that the parking lots at school are so completely empty.

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