Big news; but first, the images of the morning; a grey sky, and dolphins fishing…
And finally we’re nearly at finish line of getting the recordings of “Addressing Wonder” out into the world. Chris Grymes, my dear friend who founded and makes Open G Records function, has kicked into high gear over these past few weeks, pushing us over the line about a week from now. While Adam Abeshouse puts the finishing polish on the recordings, we’ve finished all the notes for the collection, the artwork is complete, and we’re almost there.
The artist/designer, Chris Glass, has just been a joy to work with. Creative, open, responsive, and sensitive to lots of different input; I could not imagine a better partner in this part of the process. Chris Glass and Grymes have worked together since the beginning of Open G, and I understand why Grymes keeps this relationship central to the image of the label.
Below is the ‘cover’ of this collection of recordings:

Each of the squares represents one of the four pieces in this collection; The notes about each piece beginning with this image. The design of each of these pages is also so appealing because of the s p a c e he uses throughout. Just so easy on the eye.
This entire project has really been a wonderful part of a long relationship with a dear friend. Years ago Chris recorded a few other of my pieces, on Open G’s first release, “A Function of Memory.” He’s since released four more recordings, and “Addressing Wonder” will be the label’s sixth release. Chris, throughout the span of this project, from conception over two years ago through next week, has been so supportive, such a booster when I needed it, such a dear friend. Friends are really the best gift, no?
Here are the general notes for this collection:

More to come in the days ahead. For those with Facebook, Chris is putting things out bit by bit on