Molokai, day 4
A good night’s sleep—10 hours!—got this day off to a good start, ready for some work. Began by taking care of some business (including the pleasure-business of finalizing plans for a family trip in December). Took a long time to develop a response to learning that the Young Composers program of the NewMusic Initiative won’t continue to get funding….that was a sweet arrangement, with the School of Ed funding an assistantship so that a grad composer could spend time in the ECU Community School in S Greenville. This is a very worthwhile program, great for the children, as well as augmenting the music teacher’s offerings but, alas, funding shortfalls in the SoEd are no different than such shortfalls in other places. Hard decisions have to be made.
We took a nice drive at noon, after I’d had a good writing session. We just followed the one main road east, and then north, to Halawa Beach Park.
Looking at this map, we’re at Wavecrest on the south shore, and we followed that road along the shore and up to Halawa.

Most days we’ve headed west, to Kaunakakai Harbor, so this was new terrain. And oh, my goodness, the views were just astounding, reminding us of Acadia in Maine, and certainly of other dramatic spots on other Hawai’ian islands.