Cabo PulmoàTodos Santos
Lazy morning, then set off toe Todos Santos. The first 30 minutes a slow, bumpy ride over 6 miles of washed out road; then an easy highway hour, then an hour of mountain passes with beautiful views.
Todos Santos really a quaint little town, though bigger than I expected. Lots of little shops, restaurants, etc. Our hotel (Casa Tota) very nice, small, clean, super-friendly staff.
We wandered and found a great lunch spot; family style plate of pork, a dish of sides (cukes, guac, salsa, radishes), and a plate of tortillas. Very satisfying for all of us, delicious.
In the midst of it all, Tara got some pix of a Quinceañera celebration/parade passing through town…a little local flavor.
Wandered around the town (turns out “Hotel California” of Eagles fame is here–later found out this is untrue), the churches, the crafts marts, and could do so for another day, it seems. Haven’t found a path to the beach/Pacific yet, but am sure we will soon.

Pattie/Tara happened upon a surf shop and stopped in to see if there might be any dive trips…no diving, but we are heading to La Paz to snorkel with the whale sharks. This was on Pattie’s bucket list, and the reason she was so keen to come here, so a nice find.