Category Living

Monday, March 30

Kona, day 9

Received this morning from Allan, who’s out for a walk in Central Park…

Yesterday i was thinking about how our current state of affairs might effect democracy…This screen shot from a NYTimes article today may point the way:

A smile comes our way in the form of a few pictures from NY, as Jackson’s 8 mos. birthday arrives. So very happy to see him thriving and smiling, so happy that we had those two weeks with him and his parents in Maui in February, and missing them dearly. Word is he’s oh-so-close to crawling, and glad that Joe and Cristin are home to both see it when it happens. Talking to Joe about the little things, the baby-proofing of the house, caring for the house and yard…those moments of normalcy are so very welcome and cherished.

And, f...

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Sat./Sun., March 28 & 29

Kona, day 7 & 8

A quiet weekend.  A walk around the area, email and phone connecting with family, friend, and students, a visit from our host—she standing in the parking lot talking to us while we’re up on the second floor entrance, but really just doing what everyone else is doing; hunkering down.

Our host’s next AirBnB reservation isn’t until the Iron Man race in October, so we can certainly stay here.  We just have to make a decision about when to return to NC, then make the travel reservation, and then go through the AirBnB reservation process.  Nice to know the ball’s in our court and there’s no terrific pressure, just the current end-date of April 18...

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Friday, March 27

Kona, day 6

We’ve settled into a routine that feels much like the way we have spent time in Surf City.  We’re used to just staying at home there, really only venturing out for daily walks and groceries; and at home I write, with some tv show or movie on in the background.  Highlights of the days are anything other than the usual routine.

Here, that means correspondence and/or calls with family/friends.  And today brought a welcome video session with Martha, a good catch-up call with Joe, and emails from Chris Nappi and David Glaser—looking forward to talking with them tomorrow about matters both personal and musical.   Thankfully, most everyone is well.  Rachel being moved out of ICU and, hopefully home in about 3 days.

We enjoyed a nice long walk to town, along the waterf...

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Thursday, March 26

Kona, day 5

Here on these islands one of the biggest concerns is always shipping, as nearly everything is shipped in from somewhere else.  Importantly, and creating an almost audible relief around here, the primary shipping company (at least for groceries) has announced that their shipping schedule will continue unchanged.

Hawai’ian Airlines announcing that flights will continue, though somewhat diminished; they’re adding cargo runs to assure that supplies are getting around the islands.  They’ve also announced that flights to the mainland will now be on larger, wide body, planes, to accommodate distancing b/t passengers.

My friend’s wife Rachel is settled into NYU/Langone, and receiving antibiotics to stave off pneumonia...

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Wednesday, March 25

Kona, day 4

Awoke mid-night to a text from a very dear friend in NYC whose wife has been down with covid.  She went to the hospital this morning.  Frightening, to say the least, as similar situations are for so, so many right now.

About 90 cases in the state of Hawai’I, most on Oahu.  Here on the big island just a few.  People seem generally good about isolating.  A trip to the grocery store saw few people out and about; some walkers, joggers, a few in the store, of course most stores closed.

Pattie and I just took a drive around the area, “up the hill” to just look around.  Saw some very ritzy areas, gorgeous architecture, and especially stunning landscaping, beautiful views the norm.

From the loft on the second level here, we can see the sunset; lovely and, tellin...

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Tuesday, March 24

Kona, day 3

Began the day catching up on correspondence from just a few weeks ago, noting just how much our lives have all changed in that short span.  I notice my correspondence becoming more journal-like these days…perhaps not surprising.

Gov Cuomo reports that the number of infections doubles every three days.

Gov Ige of Hawaii now announces lockdown (food, medicine, exercise, etc.) until April 30.

Beginning to think about how long to stay here now, seeing this condo (where we are now) listed on AirBnB at a more reduced price, wondering if possible to get even better rate.  Seeing other places available, of course, though considerably smaller.  Will talk about this with Pattie when she’s up and at ‘em.

Worried about a friend who now seems to have covid-19, though u...

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Monday, March 23

Kona, day 2.


After a day completely inside yesterday, we ventured out for some fresh air.  Our location is just a 5 minute walk from Hon’l beach, which is clearly a hot spot for surfers. 

Hon’l beach

We watched them do their thing, a nice diversion, then continued down Ali’I drive towards ‘downtown’.  This strip, which we vividly remembered from 10 weeks ago as very busy, heavily trafficked, and super-lively is now, unsurprisingly, eerily quiet.

surfers don’t give in

There are still restaurants and bars open, which did surprise us, but I’m sure that won’t last more than a day or two longer.  We walked through the area, still loving the ocean views and especially the amazingly clear waters. 

The scuba possibilities are dwindling...

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Sunday, March 22

Kona, day 1

Yesterday, shortly after we arrived in Kona, the Governor of Hawaii announced that anyone (guests, residents) arriving in the state must self-quarantine for 14 days.  Having been in the state since January 11, this wouldn’t apply to us, but the local headlines do seem to be indicating that a general “lock down” is near at hand.

Just sent a letter to my long-time students, and that feels at least a smidge better.

Really spent the entire day inside, not even leaving the apartment. Communicating with family is good and reassuring; hearing from a dear friend whose wife is now under the weather—presumably covid-19, though not yet confirmed.

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Saturday, March 21

Oahu to Kona

Thankfully, a good night’s rest last night.

Yesterday really just spent sitting around the condo, like people everywhere.  As the weather was quite nice during the first part of the day, lots of families playing in small groups down by the water.  In the afternoon we got in the car and drove around to the west side of the North Shore, where we stayed during our first week here in mid-January. 

Not surprisingly, still lots of cars parked by the area where there’s usually lots of surfers.  But as the waters seems unusually calm, really no surfers out there to watch...

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Friday, March 20

Oahu, last full day here (I hope)

Up since 1:30am, out of bed since 2:15.  Difficulty sleeping, concentrating, focusing on writing.  Yesterday really a nearly total waste, just dealing with Kona rental agreement (big island of Hawaii has some unique rules for extended stays via AirBnB), exchanges with our host there, trying to figure out if we can get groceries there…Will likely do some shopping here before we depart tomorrow, just try to stuff whatever we can into our bags.  Packed scuba gear yesterday; we have enough room for some groceries, that’s not a worry.

I suspect that if I could stop listening to the news, I could blissfully focus on writing, but the situation here and everywhere else (yesterday’s CA proclamation that all should shelter in place, e.g...

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