Blog Archives

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Am thrilled to note that the Surf City place is nearly inhabitable again. We had a few usable weeks last summer, between finishing the rehab post-hurricane Florence (hit Sept. 14, 2018), and the arrival of hurricane Isaias (August 4, 2020). So it really feels as though we’ve not been there for real for 2 1/2 years, and we’re very excited about seeing this come to an end. I’d installed a “blink” camera to see the place remotely (as I’ve done to the exterior here in Greenville), and yesterday’s view showed workers nearly finishing up the flooring downstairs. We’ll head down there this weekend; the plan is to stay, teach from there, etc.


Now we see our nation’s representatives balking at removing an absolute loon from responsibilities on committees...

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Thursday, January 28, 2021

Waking this morning to a few inches of snow. Nothing compared to what folks up north and out in northern CA are getting, but nice to see. Of course, given the rarity of such an event here in eastern NC (maybe once/year), things will certainly slow down. Those schools that are teaching in person have all posted two hour delays, given the state of the roads, and drivers’ unfamiliarity with these conditions.

In our backyard, Frankie moved from her perch on my side of the bed, out into the snow for the first time…

Warming up Ed’s side of the bed
not quite sure what to make of this stuff…
Turns out it’s fun!

On other fronts, beyond weather…learning a few new technical tricks to implement in teaching...

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Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Now in our second week of classes, and things going significantly more smooth than last semester. No small part of that is that the most content-intensive of my classes are meeting over the full fifteen weeks, rather than the compressed way we did things last semester.

Have finally completed the song for my colleague, Dan Shirley. Sent it to him about ten days ago, just to get feedback before printing/binding. I’m delighted (if not a bit surprised) that not only does he not have any suggestions for adjustments, but he really does seem to love it. We’ll see what suggestions might come from the pianist, as I’m always looking for ways to clarify and improve things from the performers’ perspective. At any rate, Nothing Stands on XII from A.E...

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Saturday, January 23, 2021

The start of a new year for me, and feeling good about it. Feeling healthy, optimistic, and sensing that I’m approaching the final 20-30% of this voyage with lots of good energy, interests in new things, still motivated to make music, excited by new ideas, and just plain happy to be alive.

My birthday yesterday was buy with teaching and school-stuff–all good stuff, to boot. And also got two video-calls from Jackson, which made the day extra special. This image, from the first call of the day, got me going on the right foot–

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