Kona, day 16
A bit of website maintenance today, catching up on lots of correspondence (a pleasure to feel connections with folks), and some writing.
We’re both feeling that being here, as nice as it is, can’t go on much longer. If we were home in NC we could at least keep occupied with re-settling into the house, doing lots of yard work, riding bikes (getting back on my m’cycle), perhaps get moved back into Surf City (though unsure about that just now). Have begun looking into plans to return when this rental ends April 18, though not yet committed. Only one flight/day from Honolulu to LAX or to SFO; and only one flight/day from SFO-Greenville with only one stopover. So, limited choices, for sure. Just a matter of deciding, committing, and making the reservations. We’ll see.
And another highlight arrives…