Kona, day 5
Here on these islands one of the biggest concerns is always shipping, as nearly everything is shipped in from somewhere else. Importantly, and creating an almost audible relief around here, the primary shipping company (at least for groceries) has announced that their shipping schedule will continue unchanged.
Hawai’ian Airlines announcing that flights will continue, though somewhat diminished; they’re adding cargo runs to assure that supplies are getting around the islands. They’ve also announced that flights to the mainland will now be on larger, wide body, planes, to accommodate distancing b/t passengers.
My friend’s wife Rachel is settled into NYU/Langone, and receiving antibiotics to stave off pneumonia. This morning’s report is that she’s ok, feeling a little better than when she first got there. The general rule is that such things take a few days to establish and recognize improvement—fingers and toes crossed.
There is some writing going on, but it’s certainly slow. Still hard to concentrate, but really hoping to spend a bit of time on yoga/meditating to settle my mind a bit more.