Kona, day 6
We’ve settled into a routine that feels much like the way we have spent time in Surf City. We’re used to just staying at home there, really only venturing out for daily walks and groceries; and at home I write, with some tv show or movie on in the background. Highlights of the days are anything other than the usual routine.
Here, that means correspondence and/or calls with family/friends. And today brought a welcome video session with Martha, a good catch-up call with Joe, and emails from Chris Nappi and David Glaser—looking forward to talking with them tomorrow about matters both personal and musical. Thankfully, most everyone is well. Rachel being moved out of ICU and, hopefully home in about 3 days.
We enjoyed a nice long walk to town, along the waterfront. Like everywhere else, it’s eerie to see what is usually an area packed with tourists, boaters, exercisers, eaters, drinkers, and shoppers—almost empty. Still a few walkers, like us, out there. But today we see police emptying beachfront parks of surfers and homeless—to where, we wonder?
There were still swimmers and snorkelers in the area by the Iron Man start. Perhaps we’ll go out in the coming days. The area’s certainly not crowded, it’s easy to park, and it seems there’s no harm in being in the water.
Back home to the routine, eventually watching the evening news. So odd that the national news we watch is six hours behind; really reporting what we’ve been reading about already, so it’s quite redundant and useless for us.