San Diego, Day 7
The morning routine continues—writing, yoga, Pattie taking care of her business and taking phone calls from family (all are well, which is always nice to hear).
We drove to the Cabrillo Nat’l Monument; heading west to Sunset Cliffs, then straight south through Point Loma, which is a gorgeous area. The monument/park is a great place to spend a few hours (we were there for nearly three), with astounding views of downtown San Diego, the harbor, and also the Pacific. We did not see any migrating whales, but things were no less breath-taking. Very windy, as you’ll hear on the video, but that’s expected at a spot exposed on all sides, and pretty much the highest spot around.

After spending time at the visitor’s center, and walking around the monument, the lighthouse, and the appreciating the broad views of downtown and the Pacific, we headed down to the tidepool area. The rocks, the waves along the cliffs, all very dramatic.

Bumbling through the neighborhood just north of the naval station—this area and another later were some of the most impressive we’ve seen here—made for some nice house browsing. Houses are close together here, with emphasis on outside living (decks, rooftops, etc.) and views. They know how to do it, for sure.
We continued east across the spit of Pt. Loma to the water for our best meal yet, this at Mitch’s Seafood. A fish stew to die for; and a nice view, to boot.
As the time was right after our late lunch, we headed back to the west side of Pt. Loma, to watch the sunset at Sunset Cliffs Natural Park. Clearly this is a popular place for sunset viewing, but plenty of space for all.
The coast, both here and further south by the Cabrillo Monument, is so dramatic, rocky, surf-powerful. More reminiscent of areas along the water at Acadia National Park—Thunder Hole springs to mind—than anything along the sandy coastlines in NC.

A nice surprise during the visit here was a call from Joe, Cristin, and Jackson. Made it a video call so that they could see our view. That Jackson…warms our hearts to see him!

Seemed early when we got back to North Park, so strolled for a while, this time north on 30th st. Many more breweries, and more people are back in the n’hood after the holiday, it appears.