San Diego
Arrived SD yesterday—Alaskan Airlines is great!—and made our way to the AirBnB. Small and cozy, with a great patio. Hoping the weather cooperates to make the patio comfortable to use; a bit chilly now, as I’m up with coffee, with coat on inside.
What a fabulous day; started with a walk to University Ave., continued for ~8 miles. Once we reached Balboa Park, we realized what a great spot that it. It’s home to numerous museums and small parks—not the least of which is the zoo—and also a food truck festival.

We’ve found lots of spots we’ll head back to over the coming two weeks. Today was just a beautiful one, warming up nicely, pleasant and easy walking all day, ending up with pizza and beer at Urb’n.
So many SoCal sights and sounds, not the least of which was a Water Bar; seriously, a place where you fill your containers with different types of water…

And just some cool murals/facades, to boot…