writing tagged posts

Friday, March 6

Kauai/Princeville, day 6

A quieter day back in Princeville, again off-and-on rain all day.  Pattie took in a few self-care appointments, and I got in good writing all day.

Re the writing, it feels a bit like Zeno’s dichotomy paradox…am at 96% done, then 98%, then 99%, then 99.5%, 99.75%, etc.  There’s always another bit of tweaking to do, and I just can’t leave it, let it sit for a week while getting to the next project. But I’m telling myself that tomorrow’s the final day for tweaking at this stage.

With covid-19 all over the news now, we’re really wondering about how to handle our time in Europe, April 15-July 14…

In the afternoon we headed back over to Hanalei, just 3 miles west of us here in Princeville...

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Friday, January 31

Hilo, day 6

A day of resting recovery and writing.  And also…planning for some future dives—Monday here in Hilo, a few others in Maui with Joe/Cristin; getting some gear; catching up on correspondence…

Eventually headed out for a stroll along Kamehameha Dr. along the water.  Shops, galleries, etc., but a completely different vibe than Kona’s waterfront.  Very low-key, unpolished, but a few of the shops having just gorgeous fabrics and wood (Koa) pieces.  We stopped into Tina’s Garden Gourmet Café and, my, so very delicious.

The writing is going well, as in I like the sounds coming out.  I am afraid I’m pushing this group’s limits, but I’m hoping the difficulty is being a bit alleviated by using some repetitive patterns to build the more complex textures...

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Monday, January 27

Hilo, day 2

The last few days in Kona, many conversations with Marc (our AirBnB host in Kona), with several shopkeepers who located in Hawai’I from the mainland (curiously, many from Idaho), meeting and getting acquainted with more folks here in Hilo, I’m taken with the lifestyle of

A day of writing.  Eager to jump into the texture of “it burned,” so got going on that in the morning and stayed with it all day.  I like what I’ve got, but am afraid of its difficulty in execution. 

Pattie relaxed here all day, reading and catching up on correspondence and phone calls.  The pacing of this trip is really such that we needn’t feel pressed to ‘do’ every day.  Plenty of time to relax and live, write, etc...

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Friday, January 3

San Diego, Day 8

A work day, a relaxing day.  Pattie slept in, then had some pampering time at a local shop.  And that time became productive writing time for me (in addition to doing laundry).  A nice stroll around North Park in the late afternoon, followed by a super dinner at Tribute Pizza.  Really great, and we didn’t even taste the pizza! 

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