Category Living

Monday, April 20

Greenville, NC

The trip home, much to our surprise, went without a hitch, without delay.  Saturday night’s stay in the SFO airport didn’t yield much sleep, but that was as expected.  Our flight from SFO to CLT was different than the one from HNL-SFO, the difference seemingly one of the airline policies.  American wasn’t nearly as careful about distancing passengers, and there were people in every row, though alternate sides.  Of course, they’re needing to pay for these flights, and want to put people in the seats; but many people were not wearing masks, which just seemed oblivious to the obvious.

The real surprise was in the CLT airport, where no workers—none—were wearing masks, and perhaps 25% of passengers were...

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Sunday, April 19

On the way home

Yesterday’s travels all went very smoothly, if eerily.  At the Kona airport, all car rental returns were being handled by one company.  We returned the car, and just hopped on a shuttle.  Seas of rental cars parked there, just endless parks vehicles.

When we arrived at the terminal, we had to fill out forms indicating our final destination.  All arriving flights in Hawaii (including inter-island) must self-quarantine for 14 days, so if we to leave the Honolulu airport (stopover to sfo) we had to swear to go immediately home for 14 days.

finishing a great four months

Then a military group on guard was stationed there to take our temps.

Then on to get through security–we the only two, yet somehow I’m randomly selected for additional screening...

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Saturday, April 18

Departing Kona, leaving Hawai’i

Pattie and I both experiencing very mixed feelings as we ready to leave.

This adventure began on December 16 and we’ve been on the road—Baja, MX; San Diego; these Hawaiian Island—now for 123 days.  The world’s a different place today than it was when we left, and for many reasons our perspectives are so different than when we left.

This final leg, lockdown in a wonderful condo in Kona, has been a relaxing way to conclude, if a bit of an anticlimax without the ability to get to diving, parks, beaches, restaurants, or even meaningful socializing.  But at the same time, it’s been ok, as the living space itself is so very comfortable and suitable to our tastes.

But not all of our accommodations were quite this comfortable...

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Friday, April 17

Kona, day 27

Friday, we drove around a bit to see the waters; walked at the pier just a few minutes.  The water was so clear, clearer than we’ve seen on this entire trip, it seemed.  Greens and blues like a blend of the Caribbean and Aegean Seas.  Just so breathtakingly gorgeous. 

And at the end of our stroll by the beach was the reward of about 6 small pufferfish along with yellow and convict tangs.

As usual, some people in the water, though only a very few.  Driving back home we saw the police clearing folks from the beach areas.  Pattie later found a news article that the police are about to begin strongly enforcing the “no hanging out at beaches” rule.  Swimming and surfing’s ok, but no sunbathing, hanging out, etc.

The late afternoon and evening were all ...

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Thursday, April 16

Kona, day 26

3am is becoming my regular out-of-bed time.  Seems ok as long as I nap a few hours later.  Feeling ok, but do see the bags under my eyes.

Feeling a bit antsy about the coming travel home this weekend.  Not worried about covid exposure, as I’m quite sure the planes and airports will continue to be empty.  I’m more concerned about flight cancellations, having to spend more than one night sleeping on airport floors.  Specifically, I’m expecting the CharlotteGreenville flight to be cancelled and hope that the airlines will just pay for a rental car rather than putting us on some bizarre rerouting.  Perhaps I’ll make a rental car reservation just in case, and if we have to foot the bill for that, so be it.

Today we’ll start to get our packing together; if it’s ...

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Wednesday, April 15

Kona, day 25

Surprisingly, N95 masks arrived in the mail from an order I thought I’d cancelled.  Straight from China (only 2 weeks after originally ordering!).  Took those masks out for a test run for the few things we need to get through the remaining few days (Peet’s Coffee!), and a few little trinkets. 

3am wakeups are the norm now, followed by a 30’ nap at 7.  That’s been the routine for about 4 days now, and I wonder if that’ll continue when we finally get back to Gvl.  Would prefer not.

A nice treat arrived in email, as a couple in the Detroit area sent a home recording of On Balance.  That was written for a festival in Amherst, MA in 2013, to be played by a duo of pre-professional violinists...

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Tuesday, April 14

Kona, day 24

Kona, day 24

Spent the morning in a scuba-related rabbit hole that took me through youtube videos, equipment shopping (no buying) and most productively, a few tutorials on color-correcting videos.  After spending well over an hour and trying a few software trials on just that color-correcting topic, I realized that I already have the necessary software on my computer (iMovie) and it does just fine.  Some pretty drastic corrections with minor adjustments.  The example below, some blue snapper from (if I remember correctly) a Full Fathom dive in Kauai, was edited with a single click adjustment…I’m sure a pro could do a ton better, but this is enough for me right now.

before color correction…
…and after.

Maybe i’ll correct everything in this blog and repost–th...

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Monday, April 13

Kona, day 23

Only five days remaining on this stay in Kona, on this wonderful exploration of the Hawaiian islands. We’re feeling so very grateful for the incredible time we’ve had on our 2 weeks on Oahu, 2 on Maui, 1 on Molokai, 2 on Kauai, and 7 on Hawaii (2 in Hilo, 5 in Kona) but also feeling both eager and anxious about getting home. 

We’re eager to get back to our own digs, to put the house back together after the weeks of packing so much and putting it in the attic, but unsure about our travel home.  We’re not concerned about the exposure to covid on the trip home, as the planes/airports will be nearly empty, everyone will have masks, etc...

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Sunday, April 12

Kona, day 22

Kona, day 22

The first few hours of the day were good and productive; a little writing and idea-generating, and then some listening and writing an evaluation.  The music I’m hearing for this evaluation is very different than mine; much more extreme in technique and color, a style often labeled ‘new complexity’.  Labels do little to reveal the magic created by a composer’s choices, but such terms do, I suppose, provide a vague grouping of aesthetic approaches.  At any rate, it’s been an interesting few days of listening to this music and appreciating what the composer’s accomplishing dramatically and gesturally.  The music’s quite compelling, really, and I’m growing from these repeated close listenings...

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Saturday, April 11

Kona, day 21

Walks, phone call connections, listening to music and writing a professional evaluation, listening to podcasts, and writing.

We’re definitely feeling ready to head home now.  Nice to be here, but everything we’re doing here we could do at home—and save lots of money.

Re Surf City, feeling as though we might be only a few more turns before we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Getting pictures with lots of things in place, now just awaiting replacement of the flooded floors.  Is that the last thing?  Who knows.

Diversions today include lots of internet scuba-related rabbit holes.

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