San Diego, Day 13
Another easy, productive day. The choral piece’s writing is coming along, slow but steady; but its writing is mirroring the poem’s form in a way I’ve not experienced before…writing certain repeated elements as individually developing units; perhaps creating parallel lines of development. The curious part is really a matter of process, rather than content; a reflection of how my mind needs to mete out distinct materials, I think. At any rate, it’s coming along pretty well, the last few days keeping most all of what I’ve written.
Work this morning followed by some correspondence with dive shops in Hilo, planning trips for a few weeks from now. Another stroll, Pattie wanted to do a little shopping before we leave SD in just a few days. Alas, neglected to take pix today.
A potentially problematic issue at school settled, which laid my mind to rest in a big way.
Have been wanting to get to Tribute Pizza for a pizza, and we weren’t disappointed. Truly, the best pie I’ve ever tasted. Mmmmm. Not my pix (Yelp) but you get the idea…

Followed by more walking the streets…so walkable, so pleasant, so nice to just stroll around.
Another of thinking that we’re in the midst of some sort of dream.
Very happy.