San Diego, final day
Getting ready for departure, taking last walks around the ‘hood to appreciate where we’ve been these past few weeks. SD absolutely a place we’ve loved exploring; our ‘hood particularly conducive to getting around, and we’ve become comfortable with walking, driving, and the bus over these days. We’ve taken in so many nice spots, so much scenery, gardens, houses, people, and some tourist attractions, but there are still things we’ll plan to hit on a return visit.
Before dinner, i had a bit of personal grooming to take care of…

…then we had dinner at Panchita’s; the same spot we had dinner our first night here. Good food, and a delicious way to enjoy our final eats here.

Our walk home capped with the full moon’s rise over the horizon, a glorious sight. Wished we were at the beach to see a sunset—but that will have to wait until tomorrow’s arrival in HI.

We downsized a little, sending home a few things it seems we aren’t using; picked up a few snacks for the flight; and returned to the apt to organize everything. Easy to do, and before bed all was ready for an early morning walk to the bus stop.