Blog Archives

Wed., September 23, 2020

A smile to get the day started right.

Thank goodness for children and pets, whose unfiltered desire for love and attention allows a few moments of distraction. If we just give in to their needs, we can live in the moment, however briefly…and then we’re pulled back with the realization of why it’s so very important to fight for what’s right, to struggle for their future.

We took a bicycle ride yesterday, and tried to introduce Frankie to something new. She did fine for five minutes, and we’ll try again soon…it’s a process.


Months ago, at the start of COVID-19, the daily barrage of bad news, the bungling in Washington and elsewhere, the deaths, the unemployment, the loss of any normalcy, all took a very real toll on my mood, at the least, if not my me...

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Monday, September 21, 2020

Am unable record audio on the video calls that come in from Joe/Jackson in the mornings, but these do tell their own stories of Jackson’s development these days. The first, eating his eggs breakfast, as dad helps him learn about the challenges of eating with a pacifier in his mouth…the second, dancing to the music, and his general glee at seeing Frankie.

Eating and drinking like a big boy these days.
A dancin’ fool!

And the latest arrival…

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Sunday, September 20, 2020

The news of these days notwithstanding–the mourning of RBG, the absurd backflips being done by politicians, and so much continuing bad news re fires, hurricanes, COVID-19–yesterday was a day to take care of our little local circle.

The morning routine is definitely a bit different this past week. Early morning waking hasn’t changed, but there’s a little tail-wagging awaiting me as I get to the kitchen. Once we take care of business and settle in, the view is focused more on something other than my computer…

Kind of hard to get any work done…but not complaining at all.

The first part of the morning was spent looking through grades in my frosh class. Seeing a number of students simply hadn’t submitted work, and their grades suffering unnecessarily...

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Saturday, September 19, 2020

Ruth Bader Ginsberg; what a life, what an amazing example of a human being, or advocacy, of persistence in the cause of equality and justice.

From today’s NYTimes, “A small number of Republican senators — Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, and Charles E. Grassley of Iowa — have indicated they would not want to fill a Supreme Court vacancy so close to a presidential election. But it was not certain whether they would hold to that stance.”

What are chances that these Senators will have a spine when the time comes? Based on past actions, the chances are nil.

Mourning the loss of this remarkable person, and feeling, as many undoubtedly are today, that generations of Americans will despair u...

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Friday, September 18, 2020

Quite an adventure with this website over the past days–completely crashed and unavailable to me or any visitors. Took a while to get things re-established but, if you’re reading this, I think it’s now back on track.

Among the things I’ve been eager to post is the letter written by my sis to her local newspaper. So very proud that she wrote, of what she wrote, and of her, my nephew who served, and of all who have put their own well-being at risk in the name of military service.


The week just past has been so very horrific for people on the west coast–truly incomprehensible destruction for so very many people in CA, WA, OR, ID, and more. And even those not personally feeling the property loss are dealing with unbreathable air.

And the line-up of hur...

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Monday, September 14, 2020

my new morning buddy

The morning routine’s changed a bit, as someone’s mighty happy to greet me in the kitchen in the morning, no matter the crazy hour I awake. A quick run outside to let Frankie pee is really an opportunity for her to just lick my face, then roll over on the grass to get a belly rub.

Maybe I don’t get working quite as quickly as I used to, and I don’t mind at all.


Now just six classes remaining in this first term. The remainder of the freshman theory class I’m teaching is really all planned out at this point, and it should go pretty much on auto-pilot. I have a few more videos I’d like to make while some things are still on my mind–and I think these videos will continue to be a good resource in future semesters...

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Sunday, September 13, 2020

Yesterday was all about getting the newest addition to our home, Frankie the Cavapoo. She’s a 12-wk old sweetheart, currently weighing in at <7 lb.

Happiness is a warm puppy

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September 11

Like everyone else who was of an aware age in 2001, the shock, impact, and immense after-effects of this date continue to resonate. Just as, I imagine, December 7 resonates for those in a previous generation.

I remember the person who drew my attention to what was happening as I left a classroom; I remember where I was watching a TV as the second tower was hit. I remember the panic of needing to talk to everyone I knew in lower Manhattan, and I remember the paralyzing shock that lasted days.

As you do, too.

Our world doesn’t feel much safer, as much as it has changed our atmosphere of daily living. I’m not at all convinced that we have changed the conditions which brought about the hostilities against the U.S...

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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Thought for the day.

Click picture for link to article

Back to work.

I was very glad to truly take the weekend off of work. [Just corrected a few papers, answered a few emails–really less than 2 hours total Sat-Mon; that’s definitely a weekend off.]

We were initially disappointed to not be able to use the beach, but we took advantage of being in Gvl to get some much-needed prep for Frankie’s arrival. Mending holes in the fence, rebuilding some planters, pressure washing the deck, and the basics (lawn mowing) got us feeling better about the yard and readiness for our new addition. Definitely excited about getting her on Saturday, and looking forward to the fun distraction, the puppy energy; and i’m looking forward to seeing the happiness it’ll bring Pattie.

Had a wonde...

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