A fun call from Jackson this morning, which ended with he and Joe reading Jackson’s current favorite book, There’s a Monster in Your Book. I think this book is a bit of genius, taking interactivity to a more fun place than pressing buttons. The premise is exactly what it sounds like, there’s a monster in the book, and so the reader shakes the book, turns it around, leans it to one side, blows on it, etc., to get the monster out. Eventually, letting the monster stay in the book and go to sleep, quietly closing the back cover. And the glee on Jackson’s face as he did these actions–and on Joe’s face seeing the fun Jackson’s having…priceless.
The pre-reading pensiveness. Then the shaking… blowing… turning… screaming… tilting… and putting to bed. And the post-reading happiness
In other news, NC has now opened up the next sub-category of vaccine recipients. I’ve got an appt Friday afternoon to receive dose number one, and look forward to it, in a big way.