Monday, January 13
Hialewa, day 2
A bit less rain today, though still no full sun yet—perhaps not all week, it seems.
We headed south, to
Honolulu, to take in the very popular hike up Diamondhead. Heading into the state’s largest, and capital
city took about an hour, with increasing traffic as we got closer. [Highways are in good shape, but the other
roads aren’t; lots of pothole dodging along the way.]
We parked at Kapi’olani community college near the base of Diamonhead, and strolled up to the main parking area. Once one enters the main area, you’re inside the volcano’s crater. The hike that follows is up to the rim. It’s not a difficult hike, totaling less than 1.5 miles, I think, taking about 60-90 minutes...
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