Blog Archives

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

A fabulous piece written by a long-ago classmate from UMass, truly worth the quick read. Was so very glad to see this via Facebook.

UNC cancelling in-person classes after one week; making all kinds of national headlines, of course, as a major university.

ECU reporting a cluster at a freshman dorm. Students (that’s where all students in my frosh class live) are, of course, frightened (if not terrified).

Just such an impossible situation.

After Isaias, then a rare derecho storm in the midwest causing people to be without power for over a week now.

CA experiencing rolling power blackouts during an incredible heatwave–friends reporting temps between 105-110.

Incredible numbers of people without jobs. None able to find work...

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Sunday, August 16, 2020

Yesterday’s treat was a zoom-party for a bro who turns 65 today. Odd to write that, “65,” as it seems a big number. As I’m the youngest of the five siblings in our family, all the ‘numbers’ of my sibs seem big, I suppose, and really always have. Cliched those it is, it truly does seem that these are just numbers, and not states of mind or condition.

For sure, each of us has and is mellowing in our own ways; and there’s a distinct slowing down to be observed among a few–one is a little concerning, the other i find welcoming. This is the process of life, isn’t it? They each seem no less vital than ever, it’s perhaps just the level of animation that’s less obvious...

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Saturday, August 15, 2020

Joe, Cristin, and Jackson are, thankfully, back in NY, a/c intact. I’m sure they spent yesterday cleaning their kitchen and, likely waited for a stiff drink before opening their refrigerator. Glad they’re home, and glad they had an almost-week in a place they love (Maine) with Allan and Sharon, and that they got to connect with Kyla, John, and Owen. Here’s a final pic i got, which i really just love.

Ellie, Jackson, and great uncle Allan

What a whirlwind week this has been.  And if it feels that way to me, I cannot imagine the ride it’s been for our students, especially the frosh...

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Friday, August 14, 2020

These in from Jackson in Maine, where yesterday he met his 2nd cousin Owen (son of Joe’s cousin Kyla)–just warms up the cockles!!!

In this pic, Jackson an absolute mini-me of Cristin’s dad.
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Thursday, August 13, 2020

The big news, of course, is the announcement of Kamala Harris as Joe Biden’s VP at the top of the Democratic ticket for November’s elections. Heard their first appearance yesterday afternoon, and was very impressed by their presentation. Especially impressed by Senator Harris, who’s a wonderful, passionate, focused speaker. I have no problem imagining her as President of the United States; she seems terrifically smart, very well-informed given her experiences as both Senator and as California AG. Can’t say i support every position she’s ever taken, but can’t say that about anyone else, living or dead. What is clear is that she has a history of making very difficult decisions, some unpopular, and that tells me she’s up to the job...

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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

First day of classes yesterday was surely an interesting experience. Didn’t sleep well, up before 2am, but was ready (after a nap) for things that officially began at 10am.

Two students had trouble knowing how to log in, but everyone was there and on-screen by 10:08 and, frankly, I’ve had other first-days that got started much more than 10 minutes late. It was very nice, indeed to see the group of frosh, though I admit that the inability to be there with them physically was a disappointment for me. But a disappointment that’s just plain necessary.

The tech was ready, and it all worked. It was certainly odd to see students’ dorm rooms as backgrounds, but all were there, and hung in there for the entire session...

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Monday, August 10, 2020

As Joe, Cristin and Jackson had to head out of Westchester (no power since Isaias came through last Tuesday, not estimated to get power back until Wednesday morning), they headed up to Joe’s uncle’s place on a lake up in Maine. Some great pix of Jackson getting out on the water!

Our beach damage turned out a bit more extensive, after insurance inspectors came through to do moisture readings…so we’ve packed up half the house, after enjoying the first 5 weeks there since Sept. 2018, and will away their process of pulling up the floors, drying, ordering and awaiting arrival of materials, then installation.  New crew and boss, who promises nothing like the process we’ve all endured since ’18…but, honestly, we’d be crazy to expect to get in there in less than a few months, I’m sure...

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Sunday, August 9, 2020

Yesterday pleasant, yet with a big disappointment.

The day began with the arrival of insurance estimators at our unit here in Surf City.  They were here, along with the HOA’s liaison with the insurance company, himself a mitigation and construction expert, to assess every unit post-Isaisas. 

And with their moisture meters they found >25% readings from beachside sliding doors back into the (downstairs) living room and (upstairs) master bdrm, on the floors, about 6-10 feet.

Also quite a bit around the window in the master bath.

So, big dryer fans and dehumidifiers are coming in today; and floors being taken up in those rooms. Tile/wall removal around the mbath window.

That, together with knowing that the deck will come down some down in the coming weeks (months?), and we kn...

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Thursday, August 6, 2020

More video-making, more learning about the importance of getting each vid’s screen-shots or slideshow, or music-files all lined up and ready before actually ‘shooting’ the video. The last few videos have gone smoothly, really just one-shot deals; but I’m finding that each 1′ of video takes about 1 hour of prep-time to properly set up.

In the meantime, the NYTimes “no-knead bread” recipe has again succeeded in being both a welcome distraction and a source of wonderful aromatherapy. And it’ll be good eatin’, too. [It’s an easy, easy alternative to the more time-intensive loaves I make more often; and its crust is just so perfect.]

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