Now in our second week of classes, and things going significantly more smooth than last semester. No small part of that is that the most content-intensive of my classes are meeting over the full fifteen weeks, rather than the compressed way we did things last semester.
Have finally completed the song for my colleague, Dan Shirley. Sent it to him about ten days ago, just to get feedback before printing/binding. I’m delighted (if not a bit surprised) that not only does he not have any suggestions for adjustments, but he really does seem to love it. We’ll see what suggestions might come from the pianist, as I’m always looking for ways to clarify and improve things from the performers’ perspective. At any rate, Nothing Stands on XII from A.E.Housman’s “A Shropshire Lad” is now going to the printer.

And some new pix have arrived on our email-enabled picture frame–fresh shots from Cristin in NY: