Some pix from last month, which I neglected to post.

A project on the list is a collaboration with a faculty colleague choreographer. John Dixon wants to explore the idea (rather than the literal text) of a Requiem. [Perhaps I’ve noted this project in prior posts; not sure.]. This would involve dancers in the outdoors and, in my mind, sort of like a New Orleans 2nd line, but with dancers instead of musicians. I am imagining ‘speakers’ mounted on dancers limbs, and me able to control multiple speakers independently–rather than sending the same signal/sound to every speaker.
And that’s not quite as simple as i thought it might be. Have spent the past three days researching this; yesterday consulted with an excellent resource in this sort of tech. It seems I was already on the right track, but it’s still not as simple as I’d hoped. More research necessary.
The tech-issue is more on my mind right now than the music, which occupied me for the previous few weeks. The complicating factor is whether I can send different signals to different dancers (whether they’re on phones, or speaker, or a Raspberry Pi connected to a speaker, or whatever tech i ultimately use), or am limited to only one ‘track’ of sound sent to all speakers. Anyways, that’s what i’m trying to work out.