Yesterday morning was a real treat, as I ‘met’ with a Fayetteville h.s. orchestra to talk tunes. One of our administrators has been reaching out to schools throughout the state to offer engagement with faculty (who offer themselves); and a few teachers (Fayetteville, Raleigh) have expressed an interest in a composer talking to their students. This particular group was really engaged, curious, and present, and I was terrifically impressed. Like many schools, any arts classes have to happen outside normal school hours–and these students meet at 7:30am! Teenagers, up and ready to participate, at 7:30am! As I say, I was terrifically impressed. Looking forward to more time with them in the coming weeks.
Up in NY, our little star had his first visit to the Bronx Zoo.

Looking forward to getting some writing, and some home-jobs completed over the coming days. Feeling a bit tired, though. Sleeping in might be in order.