Quite an adventure with this website over the past days–completely crashed and unavailable to me or any visitors. Took a while to get things re-established but, if you’re reading this, I think it’s now back on track.
Among the things I’ve been eager to post is the letter written by my sis to her local newspaper. So very proud that she wrote, of what she wrote, and of her, my nephew who served, and of all who have put their own well-being at risk in the name of military service.

The week just past has been so very horrific for people on the west coast–truly incomprehensible destruction for so very many people in CA, WA, OR, ID, and more. And even those not personally feeling the property loss are dealing with unbreathable air.
And the line-up of hurricanes in the Atlantic is more than frightening. Those on the north shore of the Gulf of Mexico who were again hit by a hurricane and flooding rains are devastated–again. More hurricanes on the way, though their paths are yet to clarify.
Here, at least right now, we’re just getting a few inches of rain; bad, but not flooding.
And there’s a question of whether the globe’s climate is changing? Really? And “science doesn’t know anything”? What level of ignorance, of unwillingness to simply acknowledge what’s in front of your eyes, is necessary to allow perspectives like that to have any credibility at all?
Another week gone by, another week closer to November 3, and another week of fearing what our electorate will do.