Back in Greenville today, and sure did miss getting Jackson out of his crib this morning. Gosh, what a terrific treat this past week has been, seeing him every day, seeing the routine, getting to know what great parents Cristin and Joe are.
Cristin’s really done some great stuff, not the least of which is training him to get to sleep on his own. None of this “rocking him to sleep” I used to do with Joe. She just takes him into his crib, lies him down with a kiss and a back-pat, and he generally just goes to sleep. Perhaps a minute or two of crying, but that’s it. So, so nice. Also nice that they have a great baby monitor–these are video enabled now, which is so cool.

Now, though, back in Gvl and needing to take care of some business–lawn mowing, blood donation, checking in on Pattie’s mom, etc.
Very excited to have a dive scheduled for this Sunday. A company here in Gvl that dives out of Beaufort, NC; they’ve a boat that they take out just about every Sat/Sun. If the experience is a good one, and every indication right now is that they’re good folks, small boat, etc., it’ll be really nice to have this local connection. We do have a good lead on an outfit closer to Surf City, though, and that’ll be one we check out in the coming weeks, I’m sure.
Time for some writing before tackling the lawn…